8 CD Album, Asheville, NC 4/11-12/15
Code: F1511
Product Details
CD 1
1. 4/11-12/15-1 Abraham-Hicks Pub. (1:10)
2. Esther welcomes the Asheville group. (1:23)
3. Are you disallowing Source? (12:56)
4. Vibration into thought-emotion. (6:11)
5. New insights, new clarity. (1:32)
6. Abraham CD idea. (5:53)
7. Enlightenment is in the moment. (11:07)
8. Is Abraham awareness itself? (2:31)
9. Spiritual traditions get distorted. (3:29)
10. Abraham will be old news. (1:15)
11. Any clarification needed? (4:41)
12. A team vs. the individual. (16:55)
CD 2
1. 4/11-12/15-2 Abraham-Hicks Pub. (1:09)
2. Changing her attraction point. (8:29)
3. More on upstream-downstream. (13:38)
4. Why we like the drama. (10:53)
5. Move back to L.A.? (5:30)
6. Relax and enjoy the unfolding. (4:59)
7. She wants to want. (10:24)
CD 3
1. 4/11-12/15-3 Abraham-Hicks Pub. (1:09)
2. No need to justify. (0:49)
3. Is she helping stuck spirits? (14:31)
4. Can she use alchemy? (1:15)
5. Doing great, except that one thing. (10:48)
6. Can he trust his feelings? (3:57)
7. The path isn't about behavior. (5:55)
8. He's been feeling cautious. (5:02)
9. He asks about bread. (3:46)
10. How can he be of service? (2:54)
11. Moving beyond five senses. (2:04)
12. Was he suppressing emotion? (2:13)
13. A crucifix analogy? (1:07)
14. Defining imagination. (5:22)
CD 4
1. 4/11-12/15-4 Abraham-Hicks Pub. (1:10)
2. "We've got your back." (4:04)
3. How's her mom doing? (0:45)
4. What is the leading edge? (4:05)
5. Should he ask for more? (15:09)
6. Not rescue, rendezvous. (5:03)
7. How to share this message? (8:28)
8. Realtor clarification. (12:01)
9. Asheville Saturday close. (1:03)
CD 5
1.4/11-12/15-5 Abraham-Hicks Pub. (1:09)
2. Abraham defines persistence. (2:21)
3. Share this work with friends? (2:57)
4. What is Source Energy? (3:49)
5. Find the feeling of it. (4:02)
6. Integrating with daily reasoning. (11:20)
7. The time of awakening. (1:59)
8. Less efforting in business? (18:30)
9. More business advice. (15:09)
CD 6
1. 4/11-12/15-6 Abraham-Hicks Pub. (1:10)
2. About his UFO experience. (11:38)
3. Who or what is God? (6:18)
4. Getting in the receiving mode. (13:13)
5. Men and women's financial roles. (11:43)
6. Does she have a responsibility? (4:34)
7. Is extreme contrast necessary? (6:59)
CD 7
1. 4/11-12/15-7 Abraham-Hicks Pub.(1:10)
2. His project is on the cusp. (8:53)
3. Are his taxes buying bombs? (2:13)
4. Clarifying some Abraham terms. (4:24)
5. Astrology and expectation. (4:49)
6. About Esther's gestures. (6:05)
7. Blending and Step 4 living. (8:08)
8. She likes the concept of "ease". (1:40)
9. What about empathy? (4:17)
10. Message from his mother? (0:35)
11. Suggestions for alignment. (1:32)
12. He quit his job. (0:58)
13. Caring for passing loved ones. (1:19)
14. How specific can Abraham get? (1:57)
15. Can you stay too general? (1:59)
16. Curiosity and receptivity. (2:13)
CD 8
1. 4/11-12/15-8 Abraham-Hicks Pub. (1:10)
2. What hasn't been asked? (1:00)
3. Receiving clear communication. (2:39)
4. How to shift energy. (6:50)
5. Every subject is two subjects. (1:22)
6. Realizing who we really are. (0:49)
7. Advice for soothing others. (2:18)
8. Lucid dreaming and astral projection. (2:38)
9. Avoiding more dysfunction. (8:53)
10. Intentions from non-physical? (11:19)
11. He had an emotional release. (9:55)
12. Asheville wrap-up. (5:40)