8 CD/TAPE Album, Asheville, NC 10/12/10 & 10/13/10
Code: F1040
Product Details
10/12/10 (TUESDAY)
CD 1
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:52)
2. Humans are worthy extensions of Source Energy. (7:42)
3. Your emotions are Vibrational interpreters of frequencies. (7:06)
4. Your life is supposed to be joyful. (5:01)
5. Life is managed by Law of Attraction. (3:33)
6. Must his leading-edge lifestyle feel lonely? (22:07)
7. Why did church funeral service disturb him? (15:58)
CD 2
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:32)
2. How to expand this Global Vibrational movement? (10:03)
3. Law of Attraction and low/high energy persons? (11:18)
4. When leaving age out of the equation? (3:55)
5. Desiring more joy evokes feeling more joy. (6:28)
6. To keep his company in the Vortex? (7:33)
7. To keep up with all his bounces? (5:39)
8. She has a question about past relationships. (8:35)
CD 3
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:16)
2. What is meant by any pre-birth agreements? (15:02)
3. Are she and similar friend physical counterparts? (6:45)
4. Was it really raining pennies from heaven? (6:19)
5. Theres always more for you to know. (5:40)
6. Law of Attraction manifests wanted and unwanted. (5:49)
7. Comparing physical energys value to Nonphysical Energy? (8:04)
8. Whats the difference between contrast and resistance? (4:00)
9. She has the gift of constant interruption. (3:57)
10. How can self-acceptance affect our Vibration? (10:07)
CD 4
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:17)
2. She wants to live in the Vortex. (14:54))
3. Is his money already in his Vortex? (9:36)
4. But hes unemployed and deep in debt. (12:56)
5. Has Abraham any relationship with past physicality? (4:27)
6. One hundred years, as too soon to die? (6:21)
7. For this lawyer, it all works out. (2:32)
8. Seventeen years ago, she lost a son. (8:31)
9. Abraham closes the Asheville, NC Tuesday Workshop. (1:02)
10/13/10 (WEDNESDAY)
CD 1
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:57)
2. Is your current weight displeasing to you? (14:51)
3. Small doubts erode his big business vision. (11:08)
4. What if your opinions counter your desires? (3:55)
5. Can his subconscious overpower his conscious mind? (13:30)
6. When cocreating with an in-the-Vortex wife. (3:54)
7. Had 20 years, 9 months, 2 weeks marriage. (8:50)
8. Must he forever live with feeling blah? (11:34)
CD 2
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:16)
2. Since his divorce, his ears keep ringing. (30:39)
3. Playing Abrahams More, Less or Same game? (9:57)
4. Is there wanted and unwanted in Nonphysical? (7:09)
5. Divorcees life has been taken care of. (15:27)
CD 3
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:16)
2. What about love and Law of Attraction? (5:04)
3. Vortex, as intersecting the physical and Nonphysical. (7:32)
4. Trying to understand the physics of emotion? (6:15)
5. Does Nonphysical Energy enter through his back. (4:30)
6. Focusing on desire vs. trying too hard? (6:35)
7. Are all impulses to act from Nonphysical? (7:55)
8. This workshop has been such great fun. (0:58)
9. The Vortex, as a fertile incubation arena? (3:21)
10. To not awaken with that guarded feeling? (9:05)
11. Edgar Cayce, Seth, Abraham as multiple Beings. (4:53)
12. Any psychology that feels better has value. (6:29)
CD 4
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:16)
2. Hes blessed with Well-being, but what if? (5:22))
3. Was she born into the right religion? (5:00)
4. Can she deliberately attract a specific lover? (4:59)
5. Will uncreating her Center give her freedom? (13:09)
6. How does Source Energy see our apologies? (10:14)
7. She wants clarity on her tobacco addiction. (8:19)
8. Law of Attraction as a Universal Law. (5:44)
9. Lets close with a rampage of appreciation. (9:49)