8 CD/Tape Album, Asheville, NC 9/27/11 & 9/28/11
Code: F1137
Product Details
Asheville, NC Tuesday, 9/27/11
CD 1
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (2:16)
2. Allowing Your fullness here in the now. (7:05)
3. You can conjure the response you want. (7:27)
4. Abraham explains the secret to instant manifestation. (10:15)
5. Source cares; Source just doesn't freak out. (7:14)
6. Can Abraham distinguish his red shirt's color? (1:58)
7. Falling in love vs. instant attraction? (2:37)
8. A Tantric initiation made him sleep less (8:21)
9. To be inspired to see his art? (14:56)
CD 2
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:14)
2. Is her patient attracting cancer with testing? (16:25)
3. She's worried about her son smoking pot. (8:52)
4. Is his mind getting in the way? (6:52)
5. Abraham offers a new definition of "truth." (5:41)
6. The difference between Soul and Spirit/Source? (1:45)
7. He wants to verbalize subtle emotional differences. (6:32)
8. She wonders where does sadness come from? (3:12)
9. Focusing on feeling fearful made it vanish. (7:16)
10. She wants to know what she wants. (5:59)
CD 3
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:14)
2. He wonders why he has brilliant moments. (7:25)
3. She wants to resonate with her abundance. (15:39)
4. To have children or not have children? (2:57)
5. The difference between natural aging and decline? (9:22)
6. She misses calling her friends who've croaked. (4:55)
7. He can help others but not himself. (5:56)
8. Do his problems stem from childhood issues? (16:43)
CD 4
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:15)
2. Should governments allow big institutions to fail? (7:02)
3. She wants to change liking the drama. (8:56)
4. Did years of depression make joy easier? (39:15)
5. Her critical brother thinks she is weird. (17:58)
6. Is Nonphysical going to help us survive? (11:50)
7. The unique breathing in Abraham's meditation CD. (2:10)
8. He wonders about the nature of freedom. (1:30)
9. How to conjure the dream you prefer? (15:39)
Asheville, NC Wednesday, 9/28/11
CD 1
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (2:13)
2. Real communication is the language of emotions. (8:48)
3. Building an emotional grid to attract manifestations. (9:24)
4. He's in love with his best friend. (13:24)
5. What about auras and other visual phenomenon? (9:01)
6. Is Abraham in Seth's family of teachers? (4:42)
7. Are families of consciousness like think tanks? (10:22)
8. Kinesthesiology, sugar, pendulums and objective truth. (5:42)
CD 2
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:14)
2. Does Abraham's humorous persona come from Esther? (2:32)
3. Do things have objective properties beyond beliefs? (15:35)
4. He has resistance to his Inner Guidance. (7:44)
5. What does, "The world is expanding" mean? (6:59)
6. Abraham's explanation of "The Big Bang Theory." (6:56)
7. Faith is not belief in the unknown. (12:33)
8. Negativity is actually his blessed guidance working. (9:56)
CD 3
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:48)
2. Making peace with the competition in sports. (10:07)
3. Why Abraham's spoken meditation is English only. (6:47)
4. Love, sex, emotion and your Emotional Guidance. (12:49)
5. She is uncomfortable with the dying process. (5:14)
6. Her mother says she wants to die. (9:18)
7. She's emotionally distant from her birth family. (3:44)
8. She got happy but now wants more. (7:41)
9. She's sad that her dancing cat left. (5:14))
CD 4
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:14)
2. Why wasn't she born with more intelligence? (10:50)
3. What to do when her son complains? (7:23)
4. Helping kids by seeing them as unbroken. (4:30)
5. Aligning with her job got her fired. (8:14)
6. How to help her daughter having seizures? (9:28)
7. She still eats foods that are bad. (6:19)
8. She's out of questions so expresses gratitude. (3:23)
9. A better world that doesn't need fixing. (4:14)
10. A rampage of appreciation closes the workshop. (5:27)