Alaskan Vortex of Attraction Cruise 2011 MP3 Download
Code: AK11MP3
Product Details
6/25/11 thru 7/2/11
CD 1
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (2:13)
2. Abraham opens the 2011 Alaskan Cruise workshops. (10:02)
3. A new vision of creating without fear. (11:46)
CD 2
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (2:27)
2. Knowing the morenes that is really you. (12:21)
3. Living the life you intended to live. (9:15)
4. You're the creator and discoverer of you. (12:21)
5. To attract patients from inside the Vortex. (4:57)
6. When someone out of the Vortex appears? (5:04)
7. He wants full communication with Inner Being. (15:10)
CD 3
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:16)
2. Does humanity's sexuality make it more enlightened? (8:41)
3. Do expanded beings ever reincarnate as animals? (6:54)
4. Deconstructing thoughts vs. distraction from negative thoughts? (12:13)
5. Does it take time to create Genius? (6:30)
6. Integrating Vortex thinking in business without backlash. (11:45)
7. Addicted to inclination toward motivation over inspiration. (8:22)
8. Can planning for the future be inspired? (3:20)
CD 4
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (2:18)
2. Where does our Inner Guidance come from? (11:45)
3. How often do we access other dimensions? (10:51)
4. How do we cocreate in others manifestations? (11:34)
5. How can he manifest an intimate partner? (9:05)
6. The Vortex brings what you really want? (10:50)
7. Using Abraham's prinicples to teach metaphyscal skills. (5:44)
CD 5
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:16)
2. Is the prophesized Messiah really coming back? (7:40)
3. Is there an actual "Day of Judgment"? (4:55)
4. Are hellish prophecies out of the Vortex? (1:47)
5. Was Jesus born without a biological father? (6:53)
6. Does one need protection when translating energy? (8:51)
7. Does God give the gift of contrast? (2:34)
8. How does talking about glaucoma affect it? (11:55)
9. A squirrel confirms he's inside the Vortex. (10:02)
10. Conditioning your vibration into what you want. (3:04)
CD 6
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:16)
2. Throwing cold water on the Soulmate thing. (15:15)
3. Getting what's wanted vs. wanting what manifests? (8:41)
4. His rough transition to a new consciousness. (16:04)
5. What is the truth of our Being. (4:51)
6. What about pushing away his negative emotion? (8:37)
7. Trust the process, believe in Well-Being. (2:35)
8. Jesus, Buddha, and others paved the way. (3:24)
CD 7
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:16)
2. She doesn't like her daughter's new influences. (15:54)
3. Was child's difficult past pre-birth planning? (9:08)
4. Her delicious future requires leaving past behind. (13:30)
5. Will daughter be at the Vortex party? (1:25)
6. Trying to focus on shifting his vibration. (9:58)
7. Why does he wake up in fear? (10:02)
8. Is there value in milking negative emotion? (3:34)
9. Abraham closes the Alaskan Cruise Tuesday session. (3:53)
CD 8
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:16)
2. Allowing the whole of yourself to flow. (7:40)
3. He's afraid to let himself feel good. (10:36)
4. Negative emotion always means discordant thinking. (7:09)
5. He allowed conditions to train his vibration. (14:07)
6. He feels guilty about mourning his wife. (11:45)
7. Are daughter's sad songs keeping love away? (7:29)
8. Line up with the decisions you make. (8:38)
CD 9
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:16)
2. Enjoy the feeling of ever-evolving expansion. (3:06)
3. Wants clarity on Law of Attraction experiences. (12:32)
4. Is creation harnessing Energy and projecting it? (8:32)
5. Use a spirit guide or direct knowing? (5:05)
6. Why not just stay in hot tub? (7:14)
7. How do you best make a difference? (6:25)
8. Does Abraham's message expand as Esther expands? (10:38)
9. She changes her name to suit others. (4:31)
10. What's in the Vortex is the now. (5:03)
CD 10
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:16)
2. She wants to know what intelligence is. (10:02)
3. Does one with autism experience Source fully. (9:03)
4. The best way one can help others? (3:10)
5. Are genetics the cause of mental disabilities. (4:48)
6. Abraham's "radical" approach is actually law-based. (5:50)
7. Esther's unique translation of Law of Attraction. (7:54)
8. Coming to grips with time-space reality. (5:27)
9. What does space feel like in Nonphysical? (2:45)
10. Big contrast in Japan inspires deeper vision. (9:30)
11. Can her dead friend still help her? (3:22)
12. Taking old action habits into the Vortex. (6:14)
CD 11
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:16)
2. The original thought that led to life? (2:55)
3. Did listening to health meditation cause injury? (7:29)
4. He wonders what comes after the Vortex? (9:35)
5. Why would he create cancer for himself? (4:34)
6. How does he help others with cancer? (2:20)
7. His two kids both have severe allergies. (12:39)
8. Wants to be easier about the Vortex. (11:53)
9. How can he change things at home? (3:48)
10. Are there different dimensions and many worlds? (3:43)
11. It's how you feel that makes the difference. (7:05)