Asheville 2014 - Wobble-Free Living
Code: DVD-ASH14
Product Details
“Things are actualizing more quickly than ever before
and what follows from that, is a faster-moving stream than ever before”
- Britney Spears' perspective
- Motivation vs. inspiration
- Wants her own dance studio
- Singer found alignment through breath work
- Does earning money depend on action?
- Who's calling the plays down here?
- Promoting restful sleep
- A relationship conversation
- Doctor wants to transition to holistic medicine
- A message to teachers of teachers
- Son won't do math or grammar, period.
- Relationships from a wobble-free perspective
- His mother and sister were mentally ill
- Eleven years of Abraham brought clarity this weekend
- Beekeeper wants to know why bees are dying
- Traumatic head injury led to non-physical experience
- Do we all have a spiritual guide?
- Has trouble believing we can control the weather
- She has compassion for animals
- She experiences nightmares all night long
- She wants a fast refocussing trick
- She had an over-the-top experience
- Is it possible to waste time?
- She is facing death happily
- Karma
- Is it hard to get a physical body?
- ... and many more.
6 hours of highlight material from 2 days of workshops
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