Caribbean Well Being Cruise 4/1/06
Code: CC06
Product Details
Cruise CD1 — Abraham kicks off the Caribbean Cruise. Classic Abraham! Looking at the full essence of You.
Cruise CD2 — He wants the same Connection as Esther. Home-schooled teenage son doesn't seem happy. He and friend conducted an intuitive experiment. Do East Indians actually materialize solid objects?
Cruise CD3 — Jumping horsewoman wants to regain her courage. To allow butterfly it's natural evolution? Happy with what-is, and eager for more? His anguish began in his sixth year.
Cruise CD4 — You can't control the thinking of others. When attention is upon your don't wants. Closing the gap by attention to feelings? Stubbing his toe on his dead lawn. Must socialization hold children where we are? He's missing his fulfilling 30 year career.
Cruise CD5 — Shouldn't they focus upon their lawsuits victory? He loves his negatively oriented parents, but? Have his multiple divorces become a pattern? Adult children aren't approving of Dad's marriages.
Cruise CD6 — Feelings, simply for the sake of feelings? We don't have the capacity to not think. Making peace with a loved one's death? Can grief not be a beautiful emotion? Could he not change his child's movie?
Cruise CD7 — Do dogs get lonely when left alone? Do we come with plans for actions? Wants to confirm what he already knows. What caused her extremely uncomfortable physical sensation? Could her child be socialized without discipline? To better understand Abraham's Inner Being concept? What causes the musical classes to endure? "Freedom from relationship" comes from releasing resistance.
Cruise CD8 — An extremely rapid review of Abraham's Teachings. Why not just remain in physical form? Did her tentacle-stripping vision help him? She has a question about "thought addictions". Are her personal traumas not inspiring others? Was she led to become more allowing? Should she be working on Happiness, or Allowing?
Cruise CD9 — Attention to what, equals a broken arm? An emotional response to an imagined experience? Without past or future it's only NOW? Teacher has questions regarding Public School Systems.
Cruise CD10 — Experienced years of pain and low energy. Her question is about painful sexual fantasies. If therapist encourages jump-threateners to jump? Thanks for the "That Was Easy" button.
Cruise CD11 — Did her extreme fear stop her Flow? She has much discomfort regarding Biblical revisions. Why is teacher pushing the Leading Edge? Wants to better understand the meaning of pain.
Cruise CD12 — But, Seth seemed to suggest "bridging beliefs"? Are there not different co-creative "Vibrational Families"? Will Abraham's teachings enhance his previous therapies? Past life sexual abuse?
Cruise CD13 — Jerry & Esther, Thank You To All! To better trust in one's Inner Guidance? Her secure job (from hell) is fluctuating. She's reaching for feeling of self-love. Abraham closes the Caribbean Cruise Workshop.