Code: ASP03
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There is No Value In Suffering
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There is something in most of you that says “I don’t think I should allow it to be absolutely easy because a part of me seems to want to justify my Well-Being by a little bit of struggle... as if it’s not right for me to have any great success without, at least, a little bit of suffering.” And we say, no suffering is of any value.
You don't have to go the hard way to things, but you do have to go from wherever you are. If one good thing happens today and a hundred bad things, talk about that good thing a thousand times—and talk not about any of the bad things. Play the good-feeling things over and over in your mind—emphasize everything that feels good.
The Universe has understood the things you have been asking for and is answering perfectly. And if you won’t work to orchestrate the howand where and when, and who,but instead work to be in the receiving mode—as you practice rampages of appreciation, and as you collect fun things and beautiful things and use them to become an Ambassador of Well-Being — the things you have been asking for will unfold in a continuum of extraordinary life experience. Those who don’t yet know what you now know will stand flabbergasted as they see the stunning unfolding of your life experience. You’ve just got to get happy—that’s all it takes.
Abraham — G-2-15-03A — San Diego, CA
1/4/03 — Attention to it evokes vibrational harmony. Abraham gives us a bag of tricks. But, you can never lose it all. Soothe, train, punish, or teach your child? A missing piece in individual weight management. If my teenager chooses to use drugs? Has quest to release asthma prolonged it?
1/25/03 —Are you as selfish as your cat? Life’s so good; is she death bound? Do, to make my back heal faster? When flipping a coin to make decisions? The adjoining room sexuality amplified her aloneness. Citizen of Israel questions meaning of holocaust. Can you feel how wonderful it is?!!
1/28/03 —Is that thought helping make it better? Should he ignore his recent health challenges? To comfortably view international political/war controversy? Why do the males seem most violent? Hesitates advising son: “Do what feels good.” Are we all connected by Law of Attraction? Should she engage an accident resolution attorney?
2/1/03 —Two choices: feel good or feel bad. When ex-smoker couldn’t stop thinking about bears. She loses power to her writing partner. Why she resisted 30 seconds to pleasure? Therapist questions “waiting for the right man”? His girlfriend’s mother died, and she’s distraught. Letting go of her haunting, sleepless nights?
2/15/03A —On allowing your Path of Least Resistance. To get ready for growth, get happy. Those you don’t like, don’t like you. Sees his business overwhelmed by trivial stuff. Author, teetering on edge of business bliss. The ultimate healer; the ultimate teacher, defined. Different aspects of the same Energy Stream?
2/15/03B —How could happy motorist hit a deer? Are you ready to feel good now? Illness departed as fast as it came. When “getting high” to avoid uncontrollable crying? What is the message in feeling disappointment? About pitching coach’s communication with the players? Kissing sexy girls, in his Virtual Reality.
3/1/03 —Are you a Vibrational Match to wanted? The largest woman chose the largest dessert. Encourage connected son’s corrective growth vs. surgery? But, which gets to write their commercial? Do same Universal Laws apply to animals? Guide teenage son to son’s own guidance? Has she an attachment to the outcome?
3/8/03 — There will always be those who thrive. You’re not powerless in a power seeking world. Why there’ll never be an “energy shortage”. He questions perceived Canadian codfish shortage. He’s protesting George Bush’s war against Iraq. Harmonizing with religious/political, USA/Iraq conflict? What “satisfaction” are people finding in war?
3/15/03 —When bombarded with a cacophony of ideas? Why would you escalate what’s going wrong? Isn’t life about Enlightenment and Self-realization? Wants to actually meet her Inner Being. Lost weight, but Snickers candy still calls. “Recovering Alcoholic” now thirsts for a relationship. Is husband fearing success or fearing failure?
3/22/03 —Why they’re advising you how to drive. How can healer relieve her enormous debt? How did her expectation affect her experience? What is the key to achieving forgiveness? He lives abundance, with dollars or not. Film maker received two million, but wants three. Does desire to win money contradict itself?