Mexican Cruise 2010 MP3 Download
Code: MX10MP3
Product Details
MEXICAN RIVIERA CRUISE - 1/23/10 thru 1/30/10
Cruise CD1
1. Saturday night Mexico Cruise kick-off (9:34)
Cruise CD2
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:20)
2. The Vortex is about who-you-really-are. (4:59)
3. Are you up to speed with desires? (7:16)
4. If it feels off, it is off. (8:04)
5. Feel your way into the Vortex. (8:29)
6. Alphabetically speaking, this meditation is OK. (4:46)
7. She's concerned about mistreatment of food animals. (14:28)
8. Was she focused on her acting career? (16:20)
Cruise CD3
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:20)
2. He loves loving, and he loves helping. (13:12)
3. You can't offer others too many compliments. (4:44)
4. She's between lives of default and deliberation. (21:59)
5. Why has "Pollyanna" been clenching her fists? (14:58)
Cruise CD4
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:20)
2. Jerry makes announcement in Esther's face-mic. (1:04)
3. He feels apprehension about writing his book. (10:30)
4. To become a millionaire selling T-shirts? (7:39)
5. How long dare we look at unwanted? (5:42)
6. If TV opportunity isn't a "hell yes!" ?(4:41)
7. To Meditate, or to do Focus Wheels? (8:23)
8. Can he experience exhilaration without using others? (4:50)
9. Why would positive celebrities attract hate mail? (3:40)
10. He loved "Popular" before it became popular? (3:06)
11. What about modifying lists of desired aspects? (9:01)
12. He'd love a big chunk of money. (3:10)
Cruise CD5
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:20)
2. Can doctor be "helpful" without attracting illness? (11:43)
3. How can doctor defend herself against illness? (7:32)
4. She experienced many years of intense meditation. (5:23)
5. Now she feels on the enlightenment brink. (5:37)
6. So, humans intended "joy;" then what happened? (9:55)
7. To better understand the Inner Being concept? (2:03)
8. How does socialized "unworthiness" affect his reality?
9. There are no "core beliefs of unworthiness." (2:46)
10. Abraham closes the Mexico cruise Sunday workshop. (1:42)
Cruise CD6
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:20)
2. Some concepts of Universal waves & vibrations. (11:42)
3. Expansion, as necessary for our Eternal existence. (5:07)
4. There are as many worlds as perceivers. (9:54)
5. Whose "snake oil" is the best lubricant? (3:27)
6. The pressure on him is by him. (8:18)
7. Do killer cats suffer with guilty consciences? (6:32)
8. Scientist is passionate about teaching this philosophy.
9. Sometimes he feels he is feeling oversensitive. (9:33)
Cruise CD7
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:20)
2. He's trying to figure out the Vortex. (19:19)
3. Can he create a "natural high" naturally? (2:13)
4. At funerals she has stopped pretending grief. (6:18)
5. How about the individual's decision to croak? (10:47)
6. Do our appliances project love to us? (4:28)
7. Is there anything that's outside of him? (8:04)
8. Must suicidee suffer same in next life? (2:17)
9. How could life cause him to live? (0:53)
Cruise CD8
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:20)
2. After their disturbing news, now what's next? (12:03)
3. Cruise ship vocalist wants to ground her career. (8:43)
4. To not observe her unwanted physical manifestations? (14:42)
5. She formerly believed life was about suffering. (5:56)
6. Psychiatrist's patients are frightened by their fear.
7. Can doctor treat without becoming emotionally involved?
8. Are things working out for every patient? (3:08)
9. Oddly, everything doctor ever wanted has manifested. (8:53)
Cruise CD9
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:20)
2. Australian wants to live who-she-really-is. (17:45)
3. She envisioned the script "Abraham, the Musical." (4:35)
4. Why do they ask what she's about? (4:51)
5. She wants to step into her bigness. (7:36)
6. Why didn't Abraham call on him earlier? (5:05)
7. Abraham closes the Mexico Cruise Monday Workshop. (0:17)
Cruise CD10 -
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:20)
2. Why does music affect him so strongly? (7:03)
3. Are highly evolved Beings communicating through him? (1:46)
4. She wants to understand the Nonphysical picture. (7:51)
5. She woke up with an uneasy feeling. (0:41)
6. How can counselor better serve her clients? (2:48)
7. Art gallery owner wants more "Vibrational Marketing." (9:36)
8. She feels she sees inside other's Vortices. (6:31)
9. Can she shift from tolerating to allowing? (7:04)
10. Why is she more comfortable with animals? (1:00)
11. What would her Spiritual Guide be named? (4:45)
Cruise CD11
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:20)
2. She lost a relationship of many years. (4:19)
3. There's no need for a "down side." (14:05)
4. His comfort seems to negate his expansion. (6:31)
5. He prefers more control regarding his career. (8:00)
6. His process of Meditation is missing something. (8:41)
7. Special words from the Wizards of Oz? (1:49)
Cruise CD12
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:20)
2. A stronger belief in his golfing ability? (8:39)
3. Have they developed a treatment for AIDS? (11:08)
4. Why do females have mood altering PMS? (2:04)
5. She wants to become a personal assistant. (7:13)
6. Can she get rid of skin moles? (8:17)
7. She wants to "get this" on a cellular level. (4:59)
8. A "rampage" closing for the Mexico Cruise. (14:08)