Panama Canal Cruise 2011 MP3 Download
Code: TPC11MP3
Product Details
Panama Canal Cruise
3/13/11 thru 3/23/11
CD 1
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:15)
2. Abraham's Sunday night cruise kick-off. (9:56
3. Being a Vibrational match to your desire? (7:02)
4. Your emotions let you know your variances. (7:38)
5. To what are you giving your attention? (7:20)
6. Why are human Beings so problem oriented? (9:05)
7. Make this her best love affair yet? (10:57)
8. Source never lets go of your dreams. (12:53)
9. Hockey player is considering playing professional golf. (6:40)
CD 2
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:16)
2. Shouldn't she be saving for her retirement? (8:37)
3. Foster parent has question about family justice. (7:13)
4. He feels like evey family's "black sheep." (10:30)
5. If he actually encountered an alien Being? (6:25)
6. He enjoys experiencing his crystal toning group.(2:15)
7. Abraham's "Daily Quote" about death changed her. (11:29)
8. Her dad died "happy, healthy, happy - dead."" (4:58)
9. Were "red flags" regarding home purchased valid? (9:58)
10. Abraham closes the Panama Cruise first session. (0:35)
CD 3
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:51)
2. Why do our manifestations usually lag behind? (7:00)
3. Your longer lives create more robust Vortices. (2:47)
4. Why disbelief in long healthy life experience? (6:32)
5. A rampage of music appreciation for conductor. (7:39)
6. Better to forget unwanted, or remember wanted? (8:32)
7. A rampage of sexuality-in-the-Vortex. (4:38)
8. Consciousness, in relation to Law of Attraction. (5:24)
9. Things are working out for his career. (6:15)
CD 4
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:16)
2. On the verge of a fantastic job? (9:22)
3. Newlyweds are enjoying Abraham's Guided Meditation CD. (4:48)
4. When it feels off - it is off. (7:27)
5. Are there boundaries to allowing love? (4:13)
6. He questions giving and receiving and selfishness. (2:38)
7. The needy ones can suck you dry. (12:07)
8. What's in all of this for Abraham? (4:25)
9. How for screenwriter and actress to cocreate? (5:15)
CD 5
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:16)
2. She wants to better understand "liquid love." (5:40)
3. Bothered by others not keeping, financial agreements? (12:58)
4. How happy must she get to succeed? (5:20)
5. An invisible shelf for creative, inventive ideas. (9:49)
6. Could donating inventive ideas enrich his future? (5:25)
7. Why was unwanted contrast included in creativity? (6:08)
8. Having different experiences in a mutual crisis? (2:13)
9. Abraham closes the Panama Cruise Friday session. (2:52)
CD 6
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:16)
2. Do you like directing your own life. (9:46)
3. She has not yet birthed a baby. (13:34)
4. To realign after a major unwanted contrast? (6:24)
5. Meditation and fun on the Panama Cruise. (4:40)
6. Are you passionate about your relaxing excursion? (10:36)
7. Why does he want to become self-employed? (8:54)
8. Seeing doing taxes as a "necessary evil"? (4:40)
CD 7
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:16)
2. "Healers" influence one's allowing their natural Well-Being. (7:15)
3. Let this cruise represent your Energy shift. (5:51)
4. Others have nothing to do with you. (1:43)
5. Is she prepared to direct their movie? (7:27)
6. Has she been overthinking her new pregnancy? (6:30)
7. Can strong desire override her health resistance? (9:25)
8. She's been living on the outer edge. (3:15)
9. Some questions regarding Abraham's hot-seat process. (8:13)
10. To personally communicate directly with her Source? (9:11)
CD 8
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:16)
2. Some questions from a teacher/healer's perspective. (5:06)
3. Can she enjoy their Vortex from Nonphysical? (1:53)
4. At 57, she is just getting started. (9:01)
5. What's up with her rush of Energy? (14:18)
6. A "red flag" can have multiple messages. (5:30)
7. He wants to believe in Earth's Well-Being. (12:26)
8. To fine tune his Emotional Guidance System? (3:43)
9. Abraham closes the Panama Cruise Monday workshop. (0:54)
CD 9
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:16)
2. Abraham opens the Panama Cruise final day. (1:22)
3. If he wants someone with different characteristics? (7:58)
4. He enjoys doing Law of Attraction meetings. (9:39)
5. Good things have come easily to him. (6:30)
6. Do conceived embryos follow a specific plan? (6:11)
7. She has a question about her acting. (12:17)
8. He has a question about quantum mechanics. (6:18)
9. Can brain tumor aftereffects now be reversed? (9:25)
CD 10
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:16)
2. Why hasn't their Mexican beach house sold? (9:07)
3. How can thought thoughts keep thinking? (7:49)
4. Why did she attract zip-line crash? (20:44)
5. Lack of trauma was causing her boredom. (10:03)
6. Life Coach wants to better understand compassion. (6:07)
7. She wants to understand financial tipping points. (5:01)
CD 11
1. Abraham-Hicks Publications (1:16)
2. To convert Meditation CD's Energy into passion. (11:10)
3. Are you getting carried away with meditations? (8:14)
4. Psychiatrist wants intellectual awareness of his body. (6:26)
5. He wants to talk about being protective. (11:53)
6. If he meditates for over 30 minutes? (11:00)
7. Abraham closes the Panama Canal cruise workshop. (7:51)