Planning Calendar/Workbook

Planning Calendar/Workbook

Code: ABCN



Product Details

Our "365 Day Course in Spiritual Practicality."

Imagine a magical tool that not only helps you plan your day, but also helps you focus on what you want to do, be or have. This incredible new process from Abraham contains the power to help you easily create whatever you want. Just think how smoothly your life will flow when you have an Abraham quote to read every morning; then, on the other side, you can write down your schedule for the day AND you can write down what you want the Universe to help you have, do or be. This magical planning calendar is designed to help you tap into the energy that creates worlds—energy that you can use every day to build the life you want! Just dream it and write it down! It's that easy—once you have this calendar on your side.

  • The material in this calendar/workbook has been specifically intended as an experiential guide to comfortably change your balance of habits ofthought to that which will enrich every aspect of your experience.
  • Begin in any month. The pages are left to be dated by you.
  • This is a study to do, not a study to simply peruse. It is a study to have fun with in every way that you can imagine.
  • The pages are the size of two $100 bills, side-by-side. Tear out a page a day. They are portable. Fold them into your wallet or checkbook, or simply carry them in a pocket. On one side you will find life enriching reminders of some things you may have forgotten and on the other side you can write intentions, ideas, names, numbers. Post them on your mirror, refrigerator, the sun visor of your car...
  • Carry a seven day segment or a vacation segment with you when you are away from home and then file them for future reference.