Special Subjects MP3: Relationships & Cocreation

Special Subjects MP3: Relationships & Cocreation

Code: ACD-11MP3



Product Details

Audio excerpts on CD from 5V-8-26-00, 5V-8-29-00 & 5DVD-9-2-00 videos, "The Art Of Allowing, Vol I, II, & III," recorded in August and September, 2000.

Whether it's relationships with our lovers, mates, x-mates, parents, children, coworkers, neighbors, government... relationships are constantly changing, and we seem to need to constantly realign in order to maintain our Well-Being.

More than money, and even more than health, Abraham is questioned regarding seeking relationships and improving relationship.

This Relationship and Cocreating recording answers many of those questions. It is a composite excerpted from the relationship issues addressed during three Bay Area Workshops in Summer 2000.

Subjects included:

  • The Vibrational Universe. (10:00)
  • Transforming painful past relationships. (3:40)
  • Forgiveness, and unconditional love. (3:40)
  • Staying up when others are down. (6:50)
  • Your Book of Positive Aspects. (1:40)
  • All your relationships are eternal. (1:00)
  • Avoiding problems with the neighbors. (5:00)
  • Connecting with your kids. (13:20)
  • The process of attracting your ideal mate. (14:26)